We've all heard that saying and have probably even said it multiple times. I don't know about you but I've always referred to it in a "negative" way. Every time I hear it, it's being referred to as so many things going wrong in life. We are so quick to share when things are bad and even say "when it rains it POURS" like we are barely surviving in a time when things are all going wrong. I do understand that, completely, because I have been there many times, it truly felt like I barely had my head above water but it's time we start changing the outlook on life and on that saying. I'm not condemning anyone because I'm one of the ones that have used it too often, but why do we only use it in a negative way.
Think about what could happen if we start to say and claim over our lives "when it rains, it pours" in a positive way. Saying it with boldness knowing that God is going to not only rain blessings over you but they are going to POUR out on you.
I get it, sometimes life is so tough, sometimes it is not only raining but it's pouring in a bad way BUT I challenge you to stop saying it that way, or in the moment that you are going to say it, change it and say things might be tough and it feels like we are drowning but God is about to give us a breakthrough. It's about to be pouring in a GOOD way. Claim it over your life! God is on your side and He WANTS to bless you and He wants to pour out all of His blessings on you.
So today I pray that in your life, it will begin to rain until it POURS with BLESSINGS over you.
Go out there and enjoy the rain, get excited whether you going through great times or bad times, rejoice Him, be Joyful and TRUST that God is about to pour out His blessings on you. <3
Lynette Colon
Lynette Colon
Come on!! I love this outlook and am encouraged today!