Monday, June 29, 2015

Are you truly walking "with" God?

Let me start by saying I am not trying to condemn anyone. This is a question I think we all need to constantly ask ourselves. I've been thinking about the verse in Matthew a lot lately and what it really says and means. A verse a lot of us throw out there so easily and frequently when trying to feel encouraged or encourage someone else. 

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26 ESV)

It clearly says here, we cannot do it alone. It is impossible with us, unless we allow God in our lives and let Him work in us, then yes ALL things are possible "with" God.

The definition of with is...accompanied by another person or thing. 

When you really take time to look at it this way and soak it in and grasp what His word is telling us, you will see that verse with a whole new meaning. 

Looking at it this way, it says this...
But Jesus looked at them and said, “Accompanied by man this is impossible, but accompanied by God all things are possible.”

When I think of it this way it really makes me see situations different. At every moment of every day, we need to be accompanied by God. How awesome that God Almighty, the Alpha and Omega wants to accompany us!!? I mean that just brings tears to my eyes to think...God, my God wants to truly be by my side with every possibility, every step, every decision and the big one that my heart is always so heavy for is IN my marriage! 

So today, is there an area in your life that you might be struggling in? Let's say it's work, ask yourself, am I inviting God to be with me in those moments at work, am I asking Him on my way to work to help me with the day and inviting Him to use me while I'm there, to be a light for others. Let's say it's finances, my first question there would be am I tithing? Tithing is trusting Him and allowing Him to be in the very first portion of your finances and then if the answer is yes, then am I spending money on foolish things, on things of this world? On things that will only give me happiness temporarily? 
Let's say it's your marriage, my first question here is am I going to church with my spouse? A marriage needs God, worshipping and serving together brings a closeness like never before. And it's not only on Sunday's and or Wednesdays. You have to also invite Him into your home, your everyday life. Pray together! It's amazing what God can do in your marriage when you begin to make Him the most important part of it. I saw the darkest days in my marriage, a brokenness that the human eye says, it will never heal, it's too damaged and it was right with man BUT with God, being accompanied by God, making Him the center of everything healed my marriage and mended it so beautifully. Everyday I feel my marriage grows more and more and that's because we are both allowing God to change us and help us grow more and more in Him. 
If you are with a non believer, then the question would be am I still going to church? Am I still making God MY first priority? Just invite Him in every part of your life, let Him lead the way and keep Him with you at all times. 

I am not perfect, I'm far from it, these are things I have learned and am still learning. I've just been really meditating on this word the past couple days and have realized just how deep this verse is and this was Jesus Himself that said it. I've said this verse about situations I've gone through and I've also said it many times to encourage others and I think that's great to do but tonight, I just wanted to really take a moment and really break it down. I just felt it so heavy on my heart to share. 

God wants to accompany us! He wants to be with us, walk with us and make the impossible, possible. Let Him today, invite Him and keep inviting Him every single day, it's a daily choice we have to make.

Another verse I'll leave here that is basically stating the same...
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13 ESV)
He is a loving God, here to help us, to strengthen us. All we have to do is invite Him in, call on His name during our struggles, give Him praise no matter what is going on around us and He will bless you, strengthen you, see you through it and make the impossible, possible. 

Be encouraged tonight, we serve a Mighty God!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Your time on your knees displays the urgency of your need.

Your time on your knees displays the urgency of your need....

This morning as I am in worship at church, I felt the Holy Spirit so sweetly remind me I need to be on my knees more. Right now my family is going through a lot of changes, nothing completely major but we have had some financial speed bumps and we are believing for some new doors to open for my husband, career wise. We have struggled quite a bit financially for the past couple of months and we pray and we believe it will come to an end soon and we WILL have a breakthrough in our struggles. 

Now, as many of you know, a few years ago, our marriage was attacked and my health. Of course during that time, I was on my knees, day in and day out, praying for healing in all areas. No one had to tell me to do it, I did it. 

Today, I felt God say to me, if this was your marriage or your health, you would be on your knees until a breakthrough happened, so why aren't you doing the same for your husbands job, for your finances, for your ministry to unfold or for the changes coming to your family? When He spoke that to me, I immediately began crying and realizing, why am I not on my knees more? It's like all this time, I thought no, I can't cry out that much because He already got me through so much in the past that this is nothing, this isn't that high of a need so I just need to sit back and be patient. BUT today, God reminded me that every single one of our needs or issues or battles are important to Him and depending on how important we make them and bring them to Him, is how He will respond. If we feel it can go on the back burner and we just wait for it, then why would it be a big deal for Him, if that's where our faith is...but if we know and believe He will answer it, no matter the level of what WE think it is and we get on our knees and pray for it and call His name in it, daily, then He will answer it and allow miracles to happen. 

So, today, if you're anything like me and just feel, no I don't want to be stingy God, I'll just wait, it could be worse....STOP! Because, yes, it could be worse but that's why we thank Him for what we have and also bring whatever needs we have to Him, so that He can answer them and allow miracles to happen in our lives. 

Get on your knees and pray, lay your burdens at His feet, allow Him to sweep it away and answer your prayers. Believe for a miracle today, no matter how little or big you think your need is, IT MATTERS to Jesus!